News From Your President – February 2022

Hi everyone,
Here we are in a new month and time for the super bowl. Hopefully, by the time you read this, the Packers will have clinched their spot for the big game. Also, this month we are gearing up for nominations for lodge officers. Notices will go out on the bulletin board and nomination meetings will begin the first week in March. Positions open will include President, Vice President, Chaplain, Treasurer, and 3 Year Trustee. Nominations must be turned into the Administrator by the 15th of March at 6 pm. More detailed information will be posted in the Lodge.

Thanks to all the members who have sponsored new members into the lodge. We are still behind and have a little over three months to catch up. Remember, sponsor three new or former members into the lodge and receive a year’s free dues.

Thanks to all of you for your hard work and support.
Brian Mifflin, President