Moose Membership Committee – February 2022

What does being a Moose Member mean to me?


Think back, way back. Maybe it was 10, 25, 50 years ago, maybe it was last week when you joined the Moose, why did you? Was it because your friend invited you? Was your family involved? Did you see the sign and stop in to inquire what the Moose was about? Why did you join?

Before you joined did you know about Mooseheart and Moosehaven? Did you learn about them at orientation? Do you still have no idea what they are? Did you know we work with many charities within our community?

Now the big question, why did you stay? Over the next couple of months we are going to be working on a project both locally and within the state, a written and a video project about what being a Moose Member means: why you joined and why you stayed a member. Please take some time and reflect upon it. Please feel free to email me or drop your responses in the box by the front entry. Please make sure to put your name, phone number, and member since the date on your response and if you are willing to be filmed. By submitting a written response, you give us permission to use this response in publications for the promotion of the Lodge and the Moose in general.

I look forward to your responses.
Kellee Chwala