News From Your Governor – August 2021

Greetings Moose Members,

Thanks to you, our members, the Lodge is finally bouncing back from the shutdown. My thanks to all our volunteers and employees for all their hard work and dedication.

Many activities are being added for our member’s enjoyment so check the calendar regularly. If you are not getting email notifications from the lodge, please provide us with your current email address. This is an easy way to keep up to date on upcoming meetings, events, and changes.
A reminder to sign up as many new members as possible. The new member application has been made much easier. Go to for the online application on your smartphone and have your prospective new member fill it out. It is that easy. Remember for every three members you sign you will receive a free year’s dues!!

Moose charities is one of our major goals as a fraternity. Those of us that shop with Amazon can give to Moose charities for free by simply going to Amazon Smile and choosing Mooseheart as your charity of choice. Amazon then donates a portion of your purchase to Mooseheart at no cost to you.

As always see me or any board member with any ideas or concerns.

Fraternally, Brian Mifflin