Administrator’s Corner – August 2021

BY: Jazzmin Sky Callegari Ventura, CA Moose Lodge

What kind of member are you? Perhaps you are a member who utilizes going to the Moose Lodge as an escape from daily stressors. All you want is a drama-free environment. Perhaps you visit the lodge because you are lonely or need a social outlet. You just want that friendly face to greet you as you enter the lodge and have a laugh or two around the bar. Whatever the reason may be, you want to feel welcomed at the Moose Lodge and have a safe and fun time. You may even want to be part of the Moose Purpose and are ready to jump in the volunteer where needed (we wish all members were like this).

Then there are those that come in with a chip on their shoulder, those who just want to complain, but have no solution or anything positive to share with others. Those that do not attend meetings or volunteer their time. Those that just make it that difficult for others with smiles on their faces and love in their heart to enjoy their time.

There are all sorts of personalities and the various reasons why people joined our Moose Fraternity. Remember, that we are not a typical  “bar” We are a fraternal organization made up of men and women working together for the betterment of Moose, Moosehaven, and our community-a “Family Center” per se. Not sure how many times that needs to be said. Therefore, these are attitudes and behaviors that will
not be tolerated at our lodge. Please be respectful to each other. Treat others as you want to be treated. We have some hard-working Moose members volunteering their time to improve and maintain our lodge, serving food, bartending; sometimes volunteering their efforts and skills for the very first time. Either way, please be courteous, patient, and welcoming to all. Greet others with a smile. Make sure you extend a helping hand when needed.

The Kenosha Moose Board is working very hard at establishing a positive environment at our Lodge. They are well aware of how people were being treated in the past and the negativity that surrounded our wonderful lodge. Help us all by not focusing on the negativity of what was, but instead embrace the positivity of what is and can be.

Be a GREAT Moose member and remember what Thumper’s father told him, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”