News From Your Governor – April 2021

I am writing this knowing that as of May 1st the new board will be in charge. We have a full board with some new and some old members which is a positive thing for the new ONE MOOSE changes also taking place on May 1st. It has been a GREAT two years and I have met so many new friends and reacquainted with many old. Fear not as I am not going anywhere. I will still be here guiding the new board and volunteering as needed. I deeply believe in the Moose and our main objective Mooseheart and Moosehaven.

The Lodge is open and we have started planning weekly events. Watch the email blast and newsletters for information. My next Saturday fun night is April 17th. The past ones have been FUN and lots of beer, booze, mat, and prizes were WON by all.

Fraternally yours Mark Schneider