News From Your Senior Regent – October 2021

Happy Fall Y’all!

Having just returned from the convention I am so excited about these next few months and upcoming events with the Moose! If you have never been to one, I suggest that you attend as you learn the inside scoop while making new friends with members from all over our state. I would especially like to congratulate Kellee Chwala and Debbie Schneider on your appointment to the state board! I am confident that great things will happen to have these two knowledgeable ladies join the force.

Please come to the WOTM membership meeting Tuesday, Oct 5th at 7 pm. Octobers meeting we will celebrate CHRISTMAS IN OCTOBER. All monetary donations are for Mooseheart & Moosehaven to help make their Christmas extra special. Be sure to wear your Christmas Shirt/Sweater. We are having a Christmas Cookie baking contest-bring a batch of your favorites and you might win a prize. This FUN meeting is also OPEN -so bring a friend that you’ve been wanting to share what the Moose is all about.

In closing, I would like to thank my current board of officers, Kellee Chwala, Bonnie Price, and Maria Christiansen for being available these new few weeks while Brian and I are on our extended yearly vacation to Florida. If anyone has any questions, please see one of these fine ladies!

Congratulations to Joanne Hamilton for being our volunteer of the month! We appreciate your hard work and dedication and always being there with a smile!

Sincerely yours,
Rose Mifflin – Sr. Regent