News From Your Governor – May 2021

Greetings everyone,

I am honored to have the opportunity to lead our lodge as President for the upcoming year. I was Governor way back in 2007 and 2008 and am looking forward to working with all the men and women as One Moose finally becomes a reality. We have an outstanding board of officers and for the first time, we will have woman members participating in our meetings and as chairpersons for various committees.

My immediate goal is to get our lodge safely back in full operation again with many activities and opportunities for our members. Another goal of ours is a revamped capital improvement project list to keep our lodge home safe and in good shape. My thanks to Past Governor Joe Matteucci for heading up that committee.

I hope to work closely with our board and new administrator Dave Strash to make our lodge a great experience for our members and their families. Please feel free to talk to me or any of the board with comments or suggestions. Also, grab some extra applications at the lodge and talk to your family, friends, and neighbors about joining our fabulous fraternity. Thank you again for this amazing opportunity.

Fraternally yours,
Brian Mifflin