News From Your Senior Regent – September 2021

Greetings Everyone!

If you are at all like me you are ready for cooler temperatures, bonfires, and maybe even some football? Our Packer parties will be starting up soon and I look forward to getting together to cheer on our Pack! Kind of ironic being that the reason I joined the Women of the Moose in the first place was to be able to attend these parties if the hubby and former firefighter happened to be working. Now that we are “One Moose” we can be a member of the lodge and still have these privileges but there is always something more and that “something more” is also being a member of the W.O.T.M.! Why be a WOTM you may be asking well, it is like a lady’s auxiliary where friendships are made, and should you choose you can move up the ladder and earn your degrees! Lots of food, fun, and fellowship are included with your 15.00 membership fee. Come on out on September 7th at 7:00 p.m. to find out more and if you have a new idea of an activity or event, I would love to hear about it. We all missed out on so much last year and with our numbers down we all need to work together for the greater good of our children at Mooseheart and our seniors at Moosehaven.

Speaking of working together I would like to recognize our Coworker for the month of August was Jessica Scroggin! Thank you for all you do for the Moose and our community! (If you haven’t received your piggy bank to decorate for our “pigs on parade” fundraiser Jessica is the one to see)

In closing, I encourage you to reach out to your friends and family to join and/or renew your membership for this best-kept secret in town and
I look forward to seeing you at our meeting and at the lodge!

Sincerely yours, Rose Mifflin