News From Your Senior Regent – October 2018

First, I want to congratulate Brian Mifflin for becoming Pilgrim. It was a beautiful celebration!
Also, congratulations to Mark Schneider for being Kenosha’s newest Fellow.
On October 2nd, we will have our annual Christmas in October Activity Night. If you want to come dressed in your favorite Christmas Holiday outfit, you
are welcome to do so. We will have a “walk of checks” for Mooseheart and Moosehaven. It will be a fun night and you never know what kind of treats we
may have.
For October, the WOTM Board meeting will be held on 10/7 at 12:30 PM.
We hope to see you at the Craft/Vendor Fair on October 20th and the Quarter Auction on October 30th! Make sure to invite your family to come
for the fun!
For the month of October, we will be doing the Cradle Fundraiser. Ladies, starting October 1st, when you come in the Lodge, donate to this
Fundraiser by buying a WOTM card. Last year, we beat the LOOM, so let’s try to do that again!
Don’t forget the Halloween Parties! It is always fun checking out all of the costumes.
We are going to be short-handed in the Bingo Kitchen in October, so if you are able to come in to help, even if you can only help 1 evening, that would be
a huge help and greatly appreciated. We start prepping for the evening around 4 PM. We serve from 5-7 PM. After cleanup, we are usually done by 7:30
or 8 PM.
Continue to invite your family and friends to come to check out the Moose, and help them become Members if they decide to do that.
We hope to see you at one of our upcoming Membership meetings. The meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 7 PM.
Joanne Horner, Senior Regent