Administrator’s Corner – September 2021

Kenosha Lodge 286 has been selected to host Paul W. Curtis, Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Moose, during his travels through the state of Wisconsin.

Paul W. Curtis
This special event is scheduled for Saturday, September 25, 2021. Brother Curtis rose to become the Moose Fraternity’s Chief Presiding Officer on July 4, 2021, elected by vote of The Moose delegates to a one-year term as the Fraternity’s 133rd International Convention held in Cincinnati, Ohio. Paul had served as Supreme Jr. Governor since June 2020, elected to the post at the 132nd International Convention held virtually last summer. He has served on the Fraternity’s corporate Board of Directors since 2013. Prior to this Paul served on the Government Relations Committee, and as Supreme Outer Guard, Supreme Inner Guard and Supreme Sergeant-At-Arms.

Brother Curtis joined Camas, WA Lodge 1042 in June 1985 and served his Lodge as Outer Guard, Sergeant-At-Arms, Prelate, Jr. Governor, Governor, Past Governor and Treasurer.

Paul served as Jr. Past International President of the Moose Legion in 2012-2013. He had served the Moose Legion as International President in 2011-2012, International Vise President in 2010-2011 and on the International Moose Legion Council since 2005. Brother Curtis also received a conferral in 2009 as a Past President of Western Washington Moose Legion 17.

Paul served the Washington-Northern Idaho Residence as Mooseheart. Later, he chaired his Association’s efforts for the Life Care project at Moosehaven. He also has served his Association as Government Relations Chairman and as Deputy Supreme Governor. He currently serves as Higher Degree Chairman. He received a conferral in 2003 as a Past President of the WSNIMA, and has served as Association Treasurer for six years.

A member of the 150 Division of the Moose 25 Club, Brother Curtis received the Fellowship Degree of Honor in 1991 and the Pilgrim Degree of Merit in 1996.

Paul is now retired after serving 37 years as a plant/production manager of an industrial firm and 11 years in retail management for a Kroger Subsidiary in the home improvement division. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business from Portland State University. Paul and his wife Bonnie reside in Washougal, Washington. They have four children and seven grandchildren.

Now is the time for every member of our lodge to share their pride in the Moose by asking a friend, relative or business associate to join. Remind your prospect that if his/her application is submitted by Sept 8th, he/she can be part of this special class in the Chairman’s honor-then enjoy years of fun, fellowship and security that the Moose Fraternity provides.

All Moose members and their families are invited to attend this special event and meet the Moose Fraternity’s chief presiding officer.