Monday and Wednesday AM pool leagues chaired by Andy Burger will wrap up this month. Congrats to Mike Bezotte who had a table run on Jan. 25th.
Monday and Wednesday AM golf will be starting soon. Gerald Bertsch chairs the Monday league and Doug Johnson chairs the Wednesday league. Tee time will be 9 am at Petrifying Springs Golf Course.
INTERESTED call me – 262-551-0441
Every Wednesday night James Mosley chairs an informal pool tournament. Walk-ins welcome. We now have an Internet dart machine. Bring your darts and friends and have your own dart
On Thursdays, we have a weekly informal cribbage singles tournament starting at 5 pm.
Sign-up starts at 4:30 pm $5 entry fee.
Softball will start at the end of April. Limited openings are available for Coed teams on Fridays.
INTERESTED call me – 262-551-0441.
State bowling will be in Monroe starting March 13. Enter online.
We have lots of TVs inside and outside to watch your favorite teams this season.
Baseball starts on April 1st. The Brewers, Cubs, and White Sox all start even.
Come on down and enjoy the NBA, NHL, and the NCAA basketball tournaments in our Social Quarters.
The children of Mooseheart were kept busy as February was fitness month. Besides learning about good nutrition they all participated in Zumba, special game nights, dodgeball, and cardboard go-cart races.
Mooseheart is our Child City in Batavia, IL along with Moosehaven in Florida for our seniors which are the primary benefactors of our generosity.
See you in the spring! Leon